[tt_lc_title_shortcode title=»GET IN TOUCH» text=»Have any questions? We are always happy to help. Do not hesitate to call us or Fill up the form below. We try to get back as soon as possible.»][contact-form-7 id=»393″]
[tt_lc_contact_shortcode type_icon=»fa fa-map-marker»]Logic Cargo
215, Mallin Street
New York, NY 100 254[/tt_lc_contact_shortcode][tt_lc_contact_shortcode type_icon=»fa fa-paper-plane-o»]info@logiccargo.contact.com
support@logiccargo.com[/tt_lc_contact_shortcode][tt_lc_contact_shortcode type_icon=»fa fa-phone»]+0120 123 4 56 789
+0120 987 65419[/tt_lc_contact_shortcode]
215, Mallin Street
New York, NY 100 254[/tt_lc_contact_shortcode][tt_lc_contact_shortcode type_icon=»fa fa-paper-plane-o»]info@logiccargo.contact.com
support@logiccargo.com[/tt_lc_contact_shortcode][tt_lc_contact_shortcode type_icon=»fa fa-phone»]+0120 123 4 56 789
+0120 987 65419[/tt_lc_contact_shortcode]
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Some Country.»]
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